
Alicia Hann Photo Credit: Annie E. Scott

Mark Your Calendars!!!

February 4 & 5, 2023
Wild Ohio Weekend
Ohio History Center

April 7 & 8, 2023
H2O DANCEWORKS: Columbus Choreographers Showcase
Wexner Center for the Arts

April 30, 2023  
Water Dances For Everyone! A Pop Up Workshop & Community Dance Flash Mob
The Pond @ Whetstone’s Park of Roses

June 10, 2023
Global Water Dances (Live Streaming to more than 140 sites worldwide)
Columbus Arts Festival

*See More Details on under the Events Tab

At Home and Throughout the World.

Aligned with our parent organization’s principals, Global Water Dances, Global Water Dances Columbus serves is a catalyst that builds community and supports a series of collaborative public performances, workshops, and events in Columbus and its surrounding neighborhoods. Participation is open to all.

Join us.

Are you a choreographer, dancer, videographer, artist or collaborator? Are you interested in volunteering? Join us to be a part of the Global Water Dances movement!

Environmental Action

Over 700 million people worldwide do not have access to clean water. An essential mission of Global Water Dances Columbus is to partner with environmental groups to help us take action to improve the water equity issues in our community.

Puddle in the Rain Photo Credit: Ilene Fox

Dance Making

Global Water Dances Columbus uses all forms of dance as the medium by which we explore ideas about water, raise awareness about equity and environmental issues, and promote action. Whether you are a dance maker, dancer or just love to watch dance, there are many ways for you to participate!

Briana Rhodes Photo Credit: Scott Ciullei


The first step toward solving any problem is education. Global Water Dances Columbus is building partnerships with a number of educational organizations and institutions to engage all ages in learning about water issues.

4th grade dancer @ Indianola Informal K-8 School. Columbus City Schools. Photo Credit: Larry Hamill

First graders dancing @ Duxberry Park Arts IMPACT Elementary School, Columbus City Schools. Photo Credit: Karen King Cavin

Dancing Together – Everyone Can Make A Difference

Join us on June 10, 2023 at the Columbus Arts Festival and participate in an every day movement sequence lead by Columbus’ dance community. Together we will join many others worldwide calling attention to the importance of safe, clean and affordable water for everyone! Some sites will teach the movement right during the event, while at other sites the audience will have learned the movement sequence prior to dance program or performance. (Optional. You can choose to use any music, or no music at all!)

Cortney Crenshaw Dance Group Photo Credit: Larry Hamill

"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it."

-Robert Swan, co-author of Antarctica 2041: My Quest to Save The Earth's Last Wilderness


Global Water Dances Columbus videographers will be hired to document as many Global Water Dances Columbus events as possible. This documentation may edited to be included in Global Water Dances compilation of performances! Submissions are welcome through 2023.

Floating Urn Photo Credit: Larry Hamill

Columbus Dance Theater Photo Credit: Larry Hamill

SELO Croatian Dancers Photo Credit: Larry Hamill

Ballroom Dancers, Oyo Dances Company Photo Credit: Larry Hamill


As a purpose driven community, we choose to participate out of personal interest, experience and/or expertise. Together, we commit and take action to help protect water for everyone. Together we can influence how our future citizenry thrives in years to come.

Join us!

Brianna Rhodes Photo Credit: Scott Ciulei

"Some have too little, some have too much, and for some water is diverted, toxic, or stolen. We must safeguard clean water for all. It is a basic human right."

-Karen Kohn Bradley, Co Founder, Global Water Dances



Greenberg, Paul. The Climate Diet.

YouTube Videos

Ripples and Reflections: 10 Years of Global Water Dances. © 2021

Liquindi Ba Aka  – Southwest Cameroon, Baka Forest People. The people ‘play’ the river like a drum.

And Water for All – Caring for Ohio’s water — safe, clean and affordable. © 2022


CBS Sunday Morning News  -- Water Segment, November 21, 2021. 1 in 4 People on Planet Earth Do Not Have Safe Drinking Water.


 Photo Credit: Larry Hamill

Important Water Questions

  • What is Columbus’ clean water situation? 

  • What concerns do Columbus’ neighborhoods have with regard to having access to safe, clean, and affordable water?  

  • How are these concerns being communicated toward positive change for all involved? 

  • How is Columbus’s clean and affordable water situation like Flint, MI or Little Creek, VA?  

  • How is it distinctly different? Is it distinctly different?

  • If nothing is done, what does the future hold for its Columbus constituents – neighborhood by neighborhood? 

  • In relation to our Columbus community’s involvement in BLM and ending the COVID-19 pandemic, why should I consider taking on the safe, clean and affordable water issue now?

  • How do I become involved?

  • What is water? Why is it important? What is/are my relationship/s to water?

  • How is water a connector to life?  

  • What is the relationship between dance and water?

  • Why dance about water?  Why dance, water?  Why dance at all?

  • Why is water important to me? My family? Neighbors? Community? Our Planet?

  • What happens when I/we/you/they don’t have enough water?

  • How does having or limiting access to safe, clean and affordable water impact our ability to survive? Thrive?

  • How does water get from one place to another? From the ocean/lake/river/stream to our kitchen sink faucets and water fountains?

  • What does it take to survive? Thrive? 

  • How does water heal? 

  • What does water symbolize? Past? Present? Future? 
Who can/cannot afford safe and clean water? Why? 

  • What can history tell us about access to safe, clean, and affordable water locally, nationally, and globally?

  • What happens when there is a natural water disaster? How can we help?

  • What barriers exist in assuring that everyone everywhere has access to safe, clean, and affordable water? 

  • How might I/we/you change our own thinking to make space for action-oriented events to bring awareness, advocacy, and certain positive change to clean and affordable water access for all issues?
 What happens to me/you/us/all when human-made decisions impact my/our/their/all access to clean and affordable water?  Why should this matter to me?  

  • How can I eradicate the barriers that make safe, clean, and affordable water for some? For me? For my family? My community? My neighbors near and far?  Planet Earth? 

  • How can I help to bring about positive change in, through, while dancing and dance making?

  • How can dance bring the community together to make positive changes necessary for equitable access to safe, clean, and affordable water for everyone?

  • Who has the power to bring about positive change? 

  • What are the steps needed to change policy at the local, state, national and international governmental levels?

  • Compare and Contrast Nature-Made and Human-Made Water Quality Problems and Solutions: Past, Present, and in the Future

  • Why do this project now? With anti-racist, critical race theory, anti-violence, cancel culture movements at play, why choose to bring equitable access to safe, clean, and affordable water for everyone into view? Why now?